Sunday 24 November 2013

Web : Website Design Digital Mockups


I wanted to create some digital mockups so i could get a good idea of what i want my website to look like and so i could get some feedback from my peers.


This is my initial homepage idea

I decided to try  the text central and try a typewriter font. I think i prefer it with the record disc.


I decided because my first page is about geometric design i would collect some images and mock up that page.

I created a grid and dropped in the images.

This is how the roll over image will look. Once hovered over the image the text will appear.

I didn't like the typewriter typeface so i redesigned the mock up and used arial for my buttons.

Larger images - 
Smaller images
Album artwork images  &  Larger Navigation
 Smaller Navigation-

I really wanted to use a grey background so i tried to different shades the first was a little two dark but i liked the second one i think i will find a grey image for the background rather than just a full colour.

All of my pages for the categories are the same so i didn't need to make digital mockups as they will follow the same asthetics and consistencies.


The featured page will follow the same style as the home page having the information down one side and the image of the artist on the other side.

 I probably won't use the line to break up the information but the layout i will keep the same.
Im really glad i designed mockups they've made me feel a lot more sure about my webpage i just need to get the designs into dream weaver so i can tweak anything id like to change.


  1. Good idea going for mockups! It kind of works as the base/foundation of the overall design, kinda like a template of sorts. With that in palce, it's easier to do tweaks and and simple adjustments to the dimensions of the elements inside as well as the framework itself. Should be relatively easier moving forward with this in place.

    Edward Kotwicki

  2. Creating mockups is smart idea to to get a good picture of what your website will look like beforehand. Anyway, for effective and professional SEO advice visit This might help you as well.
